Drug Free Sport International
Headquartered in Kansas City, Mo, Drug Free Sport International (DFSI) is a global leader in the anti-doping industry with more than 24 years administering comprehensive anti-doping solutions for amateur and professional athletic organizations worldwide. Its highly experienced and diverse staff is committed to quality, technical innovation, and maintaining the most extensively trained collection network in the industry. In 2018, International Doping Tests & Management (IDTM), a full-service provider in anti-doping services based in Stockholm, Sweden, merged with DFSI continuing their mission to be a truly global service provider. Together, IDTM and DFSI offer clients access to over 500 professionally trained Doping Control and Blood Collection Officers covering more than 100 countries. In 2020, DFSI expanded into non-human anti-doping sports drug testing, establishing the Horseracing Integrity and Welfare Unit (HIWU) sector. HIWU acts as the Enforcement Agency managing all aspects of the anti-doping program for the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority (HISA).

Area of Focus
Wellness Services
Partnership Year
Kansas City, MO